My Sally cat
October has been quite busy! We had a lovely Thanksgiving lunch with my husbands family the weekend before Thanksgiving weekend and a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparents the weekend after Thanksgiving. I love family get togethers, I feel like people are always so busy that special occasions are the only time you really get to see them. I did not do much on the actual Thanksgiving weekend, hubby was busy getting corn silage off and I was just exhausted, this pregnancy has had me very tired constantly!
We have been working on the bedroom, I am still trying to find a stain that at least somewhat matches the aged pine to stain the new pine we used to patch the hole. But we have got the tung oil sealer and 3 coast of polymerized tung oil on the rest of the floor, one more coat and that part will be done. Another issue recently came up with the room though. We recently had our roof re-shingled and after that I found water infiltration around the chimney, you could see where it had come down in behind the paint and also caused the mudding compound to run and clump. It turned out that while they had sealed up around where they had been working, their work had caused a gap on the other side which was previously done. So now I can't fix it until I make sure the problem is solved. I am not very happy that I must re-do this section. I am about 8 months pregnant now and I just want our room done so we can get the baby room set up.
My mother in law and sisters in law recently thew me a baby shower which was very nice of them. They put so much effort into it! Above you can see all the baking they did, and they made a diaper cake and hung a clothes line with baby stuff hanging from it. It was very nice of them to go to this effort.
Tomorrow is Halloween. We do not have an outside light to turn on so I try to put out some outdoor lights so our neighbours will know they can stop by. This year I bought one of those large inflatable light up pumpkins so hopefully that will help. I got it for half price because I waited until yesterday to purchase it. It was the last one left, I couldn't believe it, the store already had about 4 aisles of Christmas stuff set up and only had about 1/2 an aisle left of Halloween stuff on clearance, and Halloween isn't even over yet!
I hope you have a good Halloween!