Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas is Almost Here!

Well we are now only a few days away from Christmas. I really do love this time of year, it is very busy but I just love getting together with family. Now-a-days it seems that everyone is so busy that Christmas really just makes people take a time out and make a point of being with loved ones. I always have a dinner with my mom and siblings at my house and this year my aunt and uncle are coming and I really look forward to it. I actually quite enjoy doing all the baking and helping my husband with the meal. He cooks most of the meals around here while I am the baker.
I am for the most part done my shopping, I made alot of gift this year. I think there is too much emphasis on buying and that if you are going to give a gift it should come from the heart. On Friday I decided I wanted a hair cut so I made an appointment for the evening. The hair salon I got to is in the mall and wow was it crazy busy, I couldn't believe! I have done so little of my shopping at the mall this year and last I forgot how busy it is! I think the next time I want a haircut during the Christmas season I will go early in the morning on a weekday!
I hope you are enjoying the Holiday Season too!