Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Gardening

This weekend on Saturday I spent some time outside getting some fall gardening done. It was gloomy and threatening to rain on me but it was actually fairly warm out.  I was supposed to be doing homework but I felt that since there had actually been a bit of, oh I hate to say it, SNOW the other morning,  I thought I should get my bulbs and mums planted. My grandma let me dig up a bunch of irises from her place where they were getting over grown back in September so they were long over due to be planted. I had also bought some tulips and crocuses for the front flowerbed we just put in this year and my Aunt gave me a few leftover pink daffodil bulbs she had. It is getting late enough that I figured I had better get them planted before there is not point to it. And besides, one needs a break from homework which is consuming most weekends. I also had some mums and pumpkins leftover from decorating at my wedding in September so I put them in the side flowerbed by the main door and they look so pretty! I just love working the garden and/or flowerbeds, maybe because I work at a computer all day and am spending extra time on the computer now that I am taking a few classes too, but there is something relaxing about just puttering around outside.

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