A great ginormous hole in the floor! Ack! So, this was a bit of a set back. The hole is somewhere around 3 feet by 4 feet! Here is another photo with a chair in it to give some perspective of the size.
As you can see there are some shiny new boards filling the hole now. I browbeat, I mean asked my husband sweetly, to patch it. Before it was patched with pressure treated lumber! Not something you are supposed to use indoors. Now, this lumber isn't perfect, while it is toung and grove the edges are beveled so it will still be slightly different from the existing pine, but it's as close as we could get. I am going to have to stain it to match the existing pine as the existing is aged and the patch is new and so will not come up the same colour if I just use tung oil on the whole thing as I have done in the other rooms. You may also notice that there is a board missing, that is because it is only a partial board so my kind husband, whom I have not nagged at all about this, nope noooo nagging, has to take to a friends to use a table saw to cut it. Thankfully this year we have decided to get a table saw for our 1st wedding anniversary so that will make my projects around here much easier. The edges of the patch are taped as my sister was nice enough to strip the floor for me as I should not be using paint stripper while pregnant. It is very inconvenient not being able to to things myself!So, once the patch is complete I have to sand the whole floor, stain the patch once I match it to the existing using some scrap pieces, paint the trim and door, so some touch ups to the edges and install the new outlets and light. Hmmm, when I list it out like this it sounds like a lot more left than when I think about it. But compared to what I had to do to start with I feel like I am getting close to completion.
Have a good day!
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