Friday, January 7, 2011

New Sewing Machine

I don't have a picture yet but yesterday I bought a new sewing machine and am quite excited to use it! I had bought a used one last year but I found it really was not meeting my needs. It did not come with a manual and I was unable to find the model online and it only came with the normal foot, and I really wanted a zipper foot. I also found that once I had a few layers of fabric it had a lot of trouble with it. I think I will try to sell, though not for much, but I am sure someone will have a use for it because it still works and it is good for very simple projects, it's just not good for me as I want to advance my skills, but it would be fine for basic mending and such and it does have some decorative stitches. I have a skirt pattern and fabric so I am hoping to start on it on Sunday or tomorrow afternoon. Tonight I need to clean and bake a cake as my husbands family is coming over for brunch tomorrow to celebrate his mothers birthday. I am going to make my chocolate hazelnut cake (gluten free: no flour) with chocolate cream cheese icing, and I will use butter cream icing to decorate it. My husbands sister will be bringing the main course and his other sister will bring the side dish.


  1. I just found you through your comment on the Apron Revolution blog. Other than age (my son is older than you!) and living on a farm, it sounds as though we have a lot in common: vintage things, old furniture and books; yard sales and antique/second hand stores; and packrat tendencies!!

    I just love the dresser you refinished. What a great job you did. Nice new woodstove too. We had ours going all day yesterday. And I agree with you about the difficulty in finding things not made in China.

    I'm wondering where in Ontario you live. I'm also in Ontario, in the Waterloo Region area. If you're not too far away it might be nice to have someone to go yardsaling with in the spring. My husband is not into that kind of thing.


  2. Hi Jackie!
    It does sound like we have alot in common.

    Thank you, I just love the dresser. The woodstove has been great, we have been saving alot on the oil bill!

    I live in the country near St Marys (about a 40 minute drive from Kitchener). So depending on where you live, it doesn't sound like you are too far away. My husband isn't into that sort of thing either, he calls yardsales "junk-sales", lol. Though I got him to admit my dresser was a good purchase once I was done refinishing it!
